About Me

My Background

I started Chez Balance with a passion for wellness and desire to help others to be their best.  I have a lifelong interest in healthy living which ultimately led me to coaching clients to guide them in making transitions or changes in their lives to optimize wellbeing.  As a Coronary Care Nurse, I worked with critically ill patients in intensive care.  Watching patients adjust to their lives post-cardiac events created a question in my mind as to what positive life changes can be made to create better balance between the physical, spiritual and psychological aspects of wellness.

More recently, I have performed health screenings in the corporate setting and worked with  diabetes patients at Neighbor Care Clinics to help clients discover the path to improved well-being. Having had a recent personal health issue with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) highlights the fact that wellness often includes a multipronged approach with medical, nutritional, and emotional support.

Born in the Netherlands, I moved to the United States when I was 9 years old. I lived on both U.S. coasts as well as in Paris, France. My multi-cultural background and ability to speak four languages gives me a unique approach to communicating with and understanding people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Why I Coach

I have discovered a passion to guide others in their wellness journey. I see the tremendous power coaching brings for clients to connect the dots with who they are and want to become. In my coaching I use positive psychology, mindful listening and powerful inquiries to support clients in achieving self-determined goals and behavior change.


My Certifications

My coaching certifications include ICF (International Coaching Federation) and NB-HWC (National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches). I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a BS in Nursing. I also have a Nutrition in Action Certification as well as training in PQ (Positive Intelligence) and MBSR (Mindful Based Stress Reduction). Additional courses include “The Immune System: The Mind Body Connection, “Understanding Fatigue: Focus on Stress, Habits, and the Brain,”  “Psychoneuroimmunology” and “How We Heal Ourselves and Others”. Staying active is important to me as I enjoy yoga, swimming, skiing, golf and cycling.


Coaching Testimonials

When I first started with Pauline, I came into it feeling as if I was already self-aware, already knew what I wanted to achieve.    But with Pauline I discovered so much more about myself, about how to recognize good habits and bad ones, breaking down my days to be more productive.  She gave me the tools to not just be more productive in my daily challenges but to also find new ways to better my relationship with myself and the world around me.  Her intellect and her processes are excellent in breaking down and improving absolutely any situation you may want to tackle in life, no matter how positive or negative it may seem.  I always felt I left every meeting with accountability, responsibility, clarity and inspiration.


Achieving personal change can be difficult, but Pauline made it easier with her supportive and friendly coaching. Our sessions helped me become more mindful of my daily practices and how they combined to create life outcomes. Pauline was very supportive throughout the whole process, helping me to articulate my values and interests. Anyone seeking to discover more about themselves or to effect change in their own life will benefit from working with Pauline.

Jacob  M.

I am so pleased to recommend Chez Balance’s Pauline Bach to clients and friends who are looking for direction on a whole-life approach to wellness. Although physical health usually comes to mind when you think of wellness, Pauline’s coaching encompasses all or any aspect of well-being you wish to address. What she offers is a comprehensive way to first identify what you truly desire and then loops those overarching goals into the weekly plan that you mutually establish. She is charming, positive and wonderfully analytical-yet-intuitive in guiding YOU to determine why things did or did not happen as planned. And, most importantly for those who tend toward the self-critical, she insists on acknowledging and celebrating your achievements. No matter how successful – or not- I felt going into our meetings, I always finished our encounters uplifted and understanding how to better  create and support wellness in my life.

Mary Ann S.

Pauline was a great listener and helped me develop both strategies and outcomes that I would have never considered without her guidance.  Pauline was both nurturing and supportive and assisted me on multiple levels of wellness. Her background in nursing was very helpful and informative when dealing with health issues and goals. She helped me create goals that were lasting and sustainable.  Her coaching style helped me identify obstacles that were blocking my path to growth and encouraged me to rely on my personal insight.  Overall, Pauline kept me on target, was dependable and genuine. I highly recommend Pauline Bach.

Tricina S.

Over the last 6 months, Pauline has helped me achieve healthier living habits and decrease my anxiety. She is a great listener and always makes me feel comfortable and heard during our sessions. We discuss the ideal life that I envision for myself, make tangible goals, and brainstorm actionable ways that I can accomplish them. You can tell she is passionate about this line of work and genuinely wants to help her clients. Her support has put me on the path of self-discovery!

Annie L. 

I worked with Pauline for three months during a particularly busy time at work during all the Covid-19 challenges. She helped me navigate through a really tough time, and I was able to see, with her guidance, where I needed work. I have made changes that I would have never considered feasible before our sessions. This was due to Pauline’s genuine interest and skills to guide me to the best solutions. Her enthusiasm and kindness encouraged progress and growth for me, and each session truly felt like it was uniquely customized to benefit me as an individual. I highly recommend Pauline as a life coach, and look forward to working with her again in the future.

Lisa A. 

At the beginning of my coaching sessions, I was paralyzed when it came to thinking about change or anything further than a month in the future. I didn’t have the tools to articulate my fears or how I was feeling, and it came out as anxiety and stress. When I started coaching Pauline guided me through how to build on the skills I already had and lean into them. By doing this and having an unbiased, nonjudgmental, comforting person to listen to me actively, I built up my confidence and began to trust myself more. Having the skills I worked on during coaching has greatly impacted how I face problems and my mindset to change in general. I highly recommend coaching to anyone who wants to improve their mindset, learn more about themselves, and overall better their well-being.  E.M.